





Are you ahead of the game?

Many of you know, this is likely to be one of the most decisive and divisive elections in the history of this country. More is at stake than has ever been. Be sure to evaluate who you are, and who you want to be remembered as. The country was founded by people who made difficult decisions in difficult times.

The right decision, although clearly the right decision in hindsight, is a difficult one to make at the time. Make sure you take the time to align your beliefs, priorities, and ambitions this year. Let us ensure this great nation carries on for future generations.

I Pledge Allegience

I will not waiver, I will stand, I will fight.

Fight your fight, no matter how big or small.

Freedom is Making a Comeback

Who are we?

Where did we come from?

The last several years have sent this country into a state which I have never seen. Politically, Economically, and Socially. I have seen many Americans starting to loose faith in each other, and in this country.

We are here to remind you, to stay proud, and help others realize why they should be proud of this country. Don't be silenced, don't fall victim to the games, love one another, love thy country, and most of all Be a PROUD AMERICAN!